⦿ Edmonton South
NeighbourHouse Community Centre – 6811 92a Ave
Tuesday & Thursdays
Kids Krav Maga runs September – April 30.
Kids Krav Maga – 5:00 – 5:45pm Thursdays only
Krav Maga – 6:00 – 7:30pm
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⦿ Edmonton West
Westmount Fitness Club – 12840 109 Ave
Monday & Wednesdays
Evenings – 6:00 – 7:30pm
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KRAVolution is in one of the largest and fastest growing Krav Maga organization in the world. With different divisions we teach Krav Maga to everyday people, militaries and specialty units, law enforcement, VIP – Close Protection Officers (CPO’s), swat, security, rescue forces and shooting. Because of this we draw information from many real-life resources including research helping us develop better techniques and evolve. We host training camps, workshops and seminars around the world for all our divisions which is a great way to gain extra high-level training while meeting new people like yourself.
Krav Maga builds a stronger you by building, self-confidence, self-esteem, and a whole new skillset, and increases your fitness level by combining a evolutionary form of self defense and physical training based on the use of reflexive responses in a controlled safe environment. Krav Maga Solution (KMS) teaches you a realistic self defense system designed to teach you how to survive the street while providing you with an excellent source of fitness, whether traveling abroad or at home, you and your friends and family need to be safe. Violent crimes are becoming more apparent and when we open the Internet or the paper we are constantly reminded of this globally. According to Statistics Canada in 2017 the overall volume and severity of violent crime was 80.3, 5% higher then the previous year. In 2017 Alberta saw a 5% increases over 2016. As the severity of crime changes around the world we need better and more realistic self defense tools that evolve to become more effective. If a system teaches you traditional martial art techniques or to teach you to take the fight to the ground for self defense, YOU have to question the effectiveness and their instruction. Ask YOURSELF, will the techniques they are showing stop an assault or a sexual assault with one or more attackers at the same time? Would your techniques stop the assault of one ore more stronger opponents using 100% of their strength? Would the defense stop 10- 50 stabs with a knife or 10-50 swings with a stick or bat? What happens if there are multiple attackers, and more then one weapon? Will you be able to protect your family or friends while being attacked? Will you be able to defend from a road rage incident with kids in the back seat screaming while you have your seat belt on and stressing?
We teach YOU to defend against these types of attacks and many more while looking good!
Fitness is a by-product of what we teach. By customizing fitness techniques with Krav Maga you are able to achieve a high level of fitness while learning Real life self-defense in a controlled SAFE environment while having fun doing so.
The KRAVolution Kids Division provides a healthy self-assessment of one’s abilities. It is about empowering self-awareness and mediating behavior for conflict management.
Our courses are designed for professionals by industry leaders, whether your Close Protection C.P.O., Security, Law Enforcement, Military, Special Forces, Swat, Specialty Unit(s), Rescue Force or Shooter. Our system is used in all divisions in some of the most hostile and violent situations in the world. Because of this we evolve our techniques to become more effective.
We are a great way to build engagement and team work! Tired of the same old? Looking for something new, different and exciting? We have custom seminars & workshops for your needs. Corporate, & Community Events; Team Building; Birthday, Stag & Stagits, and More!
Fort Simpson, NWT Youth Event
We travel to you… We will come to you anywhere in Canada and the world. Contact us for scheduling.
Discover Krav Maga and learn self-defence skills that could save your life? If you would like to host a special event for your business, group function, special event or school or are interested in brining Krav Maga to where you live CONTACT US!
Krav Maga Solution and KRAVolution do custom seminars and training, and will come to you almost anywhere in the world and we can tailor the training to your specific needs.
In-town or out… Even Out of Province We can come to you!