Military Krav Maga is the initial variation of the self-defense and close combat system, which has been developed for the Israeli Defense Forces and is trained by most international military and special forces nowadays. The system refines itself regularly out of real life experiences in extremely violent environments and is like that the most seriously approved method for the military close combat internationally.

Soldiers are being prepared in the shortest amount of time for threat situations and possible close combat attacks, they might face in national and international crisis and war areas.

KRAVolution Krav Maga is a close combat system, ordered officially by a lot of military units worldwide! For example, we are official instructor for the French Foreign Legion and ordered by the German defense ministry.


In addition, we teach how to use self-defense-scenarios for prevention, reaction and defense in hostage- and anti-terror scenarios.
The techniques are based on the progress of the participants as the learning effect and the injury-free training are always in the foreground. We know how important it is to be fully operational.
The end of every lesson is always about the so called drills, where the content you have learned before, will be recalled in everyday scenarios of security-units. This is not only how we teach the participants, but how the participants will teach their students later.
Furthermore, we prepare to pass the final exam, theoretically and practically, to become a Krav Maga Military Instructor.
The course-language is bilingual in French and English, while all Krav Maga techniques are labelled in English anyways.